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The 4th of July, from a Young Mother's Perspective

This entry is an excerpt from a guest post I wrote for Motherhood Moment.  Head on over to read the post in its entirety. 

With Independence Day quickly approaching, we conscientious mothers have a lot to think about.  We might ponder the birth of our nation, our forefathers and their fight for our country’s freedom and our inalienable rights.  We may be overwhelmed by the current state of the union and wonder what kind of world we’re creating for our children and grandchildren.  We most definitely scour through Pinterest to find new combinations of red, white, and blue fruits for our American flag themed recipes.  (I’m going with strawberry blueberry shortcake, in case you were wondering.)

Striped and starred outfits set out.  Grilled meats refrigerated.  Possibly illegal/questionable-at-best fireworks stored safely out of the reach of chubby toddler fingers.  


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